News center
Partnered with a globally renowned corporation

Ways to Give

Mar 04, 2024

Support Prism today and help power our fearless, accurate reporting.

We are a nonprofit newsroom that produces impactful journalism that deeply helps people understand the issues and intersectionality around injustice, including race, economy and worker’s rights, education and so much more.

Our commitment to in-depth and thought-provoking journalism is made possible by your tax-exempt donations. We hope you’ll support Prism today.

For $5-$19 a month, you’ll receive:

For $20-$39 a month, you’ll receive all Fire Starter benefits, plus:

For $40+ a month, you’ll receive all Fire Starter and Reflector benefits, plus:

In addition to our membership program, here are other ways to support our work:

For any additional questions, we invite you to contact Shirley Vilca, Development Director, at [email protected].

Maximize your impact and become a member with a recurring monthly donation to help us achieve collective long-term sustainability.make a gift of $1,000 or moremake a donation by checkwire funds directly from your account